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[喜居生活] 無農藥勐海喬木曬紅 20克 (散裝) Shaihong Sun-dried Red Tea 20g (unpackaged)



喜居生活無農藥勐海喬木曬紅富獨特的香、醇、渾、甜,舌尖溫潤回甜,令人一試難忘!第一次喝就會愛上! 如果懂茶,一定知道聞名中外的雲南勐海,是「普洱茶」 的故鄉和中國產茶最早之地,有著星羅棋佈的古茶樹羣,我們的曬紅就是來自這裡的是喬木古樹的原片大葉種茶。 曬紅是一種古法製茶,介於普洱茶與紅茶之間,因為工藝與紅茶很接近,而被歸為紅茶。滇紅茶與曬紅茶最大的不同在於乾燥方式:滇紅茶,發酵後採用高溫烘乾、提香;曬紅茶則是採用太陽日曬方式乾燥。曬紅的製作工藝主要是萎凋、揉捻、發酵、曬乾。充足日照的曬紅,吸滿陽光的能量,透過茶葉淋灕盡致地展現出來。曬紅茶湯紅潤透亮,聞香,入口甜潤,醇和,讓人有恬靜下來的力量。而且保留普洱生茶般的陳化特性,與紅茶不同,陳化越久,口感越是香甜。經久耐泡,絕對是上上好茶! 曬紅因介於普洱茶與紅茶之間,所以功效具有普洱茶和紅茶的綜合性:既有普洱茶清熱解毒、降脂降壓、抗動脈硬化、防癌抗癌的功效,也有紅茶的溫和,具有抗氧化、降低血脂等功效,曬紅茶兼具兩者功效。尤其對女性來說,更有美容養顏、清涼祛斑的功效。 產地:雲南勐海 重量﹕以20克起計 **散裝用紙袋或重用食物袋包裝,列出之單位為最少購買量,如買2個單位以上,只會用一個包裝袋,如需另外包裝須特別標示。 Shaihong Sun-dried Red Tea Lively Life pesticide-free Menghai Shaihong has a unique aroma, mellow, richness and sweet, and is warm and sweet on the tip of the tongue, making it unforgettable! You'll fall in love with it the first time you drink it! If you know tea, you must know Menghai, Yunnan, which is well-known both at home and abroad. It is the hometown of Pu'er tea and the earliest place for tea production in China, it is filled with hundreds year old tea trees. Our Shai Hong come exactly from this same region, ancient tree, big leaf tea. Shaihong is made through an ancient method, between Pu'er tea and red tea. Because the process is very close to red tea, it is classified as red tea. The biggest difference between Dianhong tea and sun-dried red tea lies in the drying method: Dianhong tea is dried at high temperature after fermentation to enhance the aroma; sun-dried red tea is dried by baking in the sun. The production process of Shai Hong is mainly withering, rolling, fermentation and sun-drying. The red colour caused by sufficient sunshine absorbs the energy of the sun and is vividly displayed through the tea leaves. The sun-dried red tea drink is rosy and translucent, smells fragrant, and is sweet and mellow in the mouth, as well as calming. It also retains the traditional characteristics of Pu'er green tea. Unlike other red tea, the longer Shaihong is aged, the sweeter the taste. It can be brewed repeatedly and is definitely a good tea! Shaihong is between Pu’er tea and red tea, so its efficacy has the comprehensive effect of Pu’er tea and red tea: it not only has the effects of Pu’er tea on heat-clearing and detoxifying, lowering blood pressure, anti-arteriosclerosis, anti-cancer and anti-cancer effects, but also has the mildness of red tea, with the effects of antioxidants and lowering blood lipids, and sun-dried red tea has both of those effects. To women, it has the effects of beautifying, cooling and removing freckles. Origin: Menghai area, Yunnan Weight: 20g (loose pack) Packaging: We will use paper bag to wrap the product. If order more than one unit, we will use only one bag unless specify.
