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Acetaia Malpighi意大利摩德納黑醋珍藏級陳年黑醋8年 (100毫升)Saporoso Riserva, Balsamic Vinegar of Modena 8 yrs aged (100ml)



從 自家生產的Trebbiano 和 Lambrusco 葡萄汁液中提練而成,在精製的無梗花櫟木(康沃爾橡樹木) 桶中陳釀至少 8 年。 酸甜、柔滑、高濃度和擁有濃郁的風味。 產地:意大利摩德納 建議食法: 非常適合與所有類型的蔬菜、沙律或烤肉一起享用。 *享用醋時必須用瓷或膠匙羹,切忌金屬。 Acetaia Malpighi品牌 手工摩德納陳醋Artisans of Balsamico Acetaia Malpighi植根摩德納,由1850年開始,傳承了五代的配方及對正宗的堅持及尊重。擁有自家葡萄園,由種植葡萄開始,就掌握了醋的品質。 守護著3000個承載著傳統摩德納陳年黑醋的木桶。釀製出獨樹一幟的味道。 Dressing with Balsamic Vinegar of Modena obtained from cooked Trebbiano and Lambrusco grapes, aged for at least 8 years in refined Durmast barrels. Sweet and sour, velvety, intense flavour and high density. Tips for use Its syrupy and creamy density makes it perfect for being enjoyed on all types of vegetables, roasted meat and bushmeat. Italy Balsamic Vinegar is not simply a good taste of food. Time makes its an art, a culture and a heritage story. This vinegar can only be produced in the area of the cities of Modena and Reggio Emilia which makes it so rare and precious. Acetaia Malpighi Malpighi family started a small production of Traditional Balsamic Vinegar of Modena in 1850. For over hundred years, tradition and production secrets have been passed down from generation to generation till today. The Malpighi family produces its precious vinegar still using the classic wooden barrels, one of which dates back to Napoleon Bonaparte’s times! They takes care of more than 3.000 barrels where the real Balsamic Vinegar of Modena stands and slowly ripens. A short and controlled supply chain, that follows all the production steps, from grapes to final product. To obtain a 100% natural and 100% Made in Modena product. Place of Origin: Modena in Italy

