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Aroma Quotient 印度草本護髮油 Restorative Hair Oil (30ml)



採用印度獨有豐富國種豐富維他命礦物質蛋白質及最重要的微量元素的草本基底油配合香薰精油,能令頭髮回復光澤及豐盈。 1)可作深層滋潤用取二至三滴均勻塗抹在乾洗淨的髮尾上可用毛巾包裹五至10分鐘後用風筒吹乾便可 2)吹乾頭髮後,可取一至兩滴護髮油於指尖上,隨意營造你所想的造型 成份:Base Oil:Alma Fruit Oil, Shikakai Oil, Bhringraji, Avocado Essential Oil: Peppermint, Rosemary, Thyme, Geranium, Tea tree, Clary Sage, Palmarosa 產地:香港 關於Aroma Quotient: 主理人從事藥物行業多年,深知化學成份對人體毒害,辭工後,鑽研香薰治療,以天然材料、植物精油製作一系列功效顯著,照顧由皮膚至心靈所需的產品! "接受大地所給,呈現最好的自己!” The Restorative Hair Oil restores the natural shine and luster by rich source of Vitamins, proteins, minerals, calcium, phosphorus, iron from our natural plants kingdom, makes our hair smoother and less static. Apply to damp hair: apply hair oil to wet or towel-dried hair after shampoo, this will provide deep nourishment and allows the oil effectively penetrate into the hair shaft. *don’t go overboard, if too much will make your hair greasy or weighed down. Apply to style: drop 1-2 drops on finger tips, style as you wish

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