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陳協和池上有機生態糙米 1.5公斤 Chenxiehe Chihshang Organic Brown Rice 1.5kg



營養豐富、養生健康、別具風味,含豐富膳食纖維、維他命及礦物質。 有機生態米採用「MOA」自然農作耕作,嚴禁使用農藥。是結合了水質及土壤先天優良條件和後天有機耕作的健康而優質的池上米。 成份﹕有機糙米  如何從糙米中獲取更多營養? 糙米(糙米、紅米、黑米)都是種子,因此有自然防禦機制保護種子中的營養物質。 它包括酶抑製劑、植酸、單寧。 要獲取更多營養就有3種常用的方法:浸泡、催芽、發酵。 植酸存在於穀物的外層,會阻礙人體對鈣、鎂、銅、鎂、鋅等礦物質的吸收。 當我們浸泡糙米時,其實是誤導它發芽,並且消除其防禦機制。 所以建議將糙米浸泡一夜或7小時以上,以中和大部分植酸。 浸泡可以激活食物的全部營養,增加維生素A、C、B的能量,更好地吸收蛋白質,釋放活性酶。 池上米簡介: 池上米是指由台東縣池上鄉地區生產的米。 在日治時代為日本天皇御用米, 所以有「皇帝米」 之稱。池上米因連續三屆 奪得全台灣米質競賽總冠軍,因而名聲大噪。 池上鄉地勢平坦、土質肥沃、雨量充沛, 因氣候影響 ,稻米顆粒較大、彈性較佳,品質口感均十分優越。 池上有機生態米為萬安稻米區出產,是池上米的精華產區。米廠全自動電腦碾米,儲藏室也是採用電腦控制溫度,可保持稻米的新鮮度。 有機生態米採用「MOA」自然農作耕作,嚴禁使用農藥。是結合了水質及土壤先天優良條件和後天有機耕作的健康而優質的池上米。 水質 - 直接由新武呂溪富有礦物質、無污染的水源灌溉 。沿岸皆無工業造成污染。 土質 - 土為黏重有機 土質,最適宜稻米生長 。 日夜溫差大 - 位於海拔 300 公尺高地 , 陽光充足 , 日夜溫差大 , 稻米有充足的成長期。 農民技術 - 每年接受耕作提昇培訓 , 結合經驗與科學 , 不斷提昇品質。  安全性高 ﹣在收割前,池上鄉公所派員至田間直接採樣本,檢測農藥殘留。 產地﹕台灣 Brown rice contains more nutrients than white rice. In particular, it is very high in fiber, vitamins and minerals. This organic rice adopts the standards of MOA Natural Farming. All agricultural chemical is prohibited. Integrating excellent water and soil with organic farming, Chihshang organic rice is exclusive. Ingredients: Organic Brown Rice How to get more out of brown rice? Unpolished (brown, red, black) rice is a seed, so there are natural defense mechanisms that protect the nutrients within the seed. It includes enzyme inhibitors, phytic acid, tannins. There are three common ways to remove it: soaking, germination, and fermentation. Phytic acid is found in the outer layer of grains, and it hinders the body's absorption of minerals such as calcium, magnesium, copper, magnesium, and zinc. When we soak the unpolished rice(seed), we are misleading it into germination and removing its defense mechanisms. It is recommended to soak unpolished rice overnight or more than seven hours to neutralize most of the phytic acid. Soaking activates the complete nutrition of food, increases the energy of vitamins A, C and B, better absorbs proteins, and releases active enzymes. More about Chihshang Rice: Chihshang Rice, as the name implies, originates from ChihShang Township in Taitung County. Back in the age of Japanese colonization, Chihshang rice was the tribute offered to the Japanese Emperor, it is therefore also called the ‘Emperor Rice”. Chihshang Rice has won the National Quality Rice Competition for 3 consecutive years , so it is well-known to all the Taiwanese. Chihshang organic rice distributed by Chopsticks is produced in WanAn Area which is one of the best areas for Chihshang rice. From rice milling to refrigerating all proceses are controlled by computer system, therefore the rice is freshly preserved. Organic rice adopts the standards of MOA Natural Farming that all agricultural chemical is prohibited. Integrating excellent water and soil with organic farming, Chihshang organic rice is therefore exclusive. Fine Water – the rice is irrigated with water from Hsinwulu River drainage basin which is rich with organic minerals and is pollutant free. The coastal area is natural and not industrially developed. Fine Soil - the alluvial soils with heavy texture and organisms from the area is highly suitable for growing rice Large Temperature Difference – the area has an average height of 300 meters above sea level, The temperature difference between day and night is great and there is plenty of sunshine, the growth period for rice is plentiful. Skilful Peasants –agricultural training is offered to peasants annually. The training integrates experiences with scientific methods to upgrade the rice quality. High Reliability – Sampling is taken by Officers of Chihshang Village Office before harvest. This is to make sure there is no agricultural chemical and to protect consumers. Place of Origin: Taiwan Weight: 1.5 kg Certificate: MOA Natural Farming

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