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雨林咖啡一級曼特寧咖啡豆 (經典曼特寧) 230克 The rainforest coffee 1st Grade Mandheling Coffee beans wet process 230g



味道:順滑回甘 品種:Arabica阿拉比卡豆 產地:印尼蘇門達臘亞齊省Gayo 山區 等級: 曼特寧 Grade-1 烘焙:中重度烘培 處理:半水洗口感: 香氣十足; 口感帶點微酸甜味 [雨林咖啡] -- 用咖啡守護雨林 - 2007年台灣有一個叫吳子鈺的人,他原本對咖啡一無所知,因為到印尼協助被南亞海嘯摧毀的社區重建,他開始想到,這個殖民者之豆,或者可以變成獨立自主的載體。2011年他開始推廣印尼的曼特靈雨林咖啡,這種咖啡比一般的公平貿易咖啡更公平,比比較好喝的咖啡更好喝。 他在咖啡行業裏並不專業,反而做就了他的咖啡蘊含著熱帶雨林充沛的正能量。  這是一個以農民經濟與雨林「共生」為目標的環境永續發展計畫。 從人力採收、水洗、曬豆、挑豆、裝入布袋,直到海運至台灣,整個流程都由子鈺和當地工作團隊一手包辦。 利潤回饋當地雨林研究。 種植於印尼蘇門達臘亞齊省Gayo山區,美麗的塔瓦湖(Lake Tawar)湖畔。這邊生產出的咖啡統稱為「阿拉比卡曼特寧咖啡」。 自然樹蔭栽培方式, 避免植株過度日照,使咖啡豆品質達到最佳狀況, 氣味濃醇 。 了解更多雨林咖啡: <a href="https://youtu.be/VfoVPCImu8I" title="雨林咖啡的故事"> - 通過SGS與瑠公基金會檢驗合格,安全無虞 - 自然樹蔭栽培,氣味濃醇- 利潤回饋當地雨林研究 Variety: Arabica Place of Origin: Gayo Mountain, Sumatra, Indonesia Grade: Mandring Grade-1 Roast: Medium-dark roast Process: Semi-wash [Rainforest Coffee] -- Coffee that protects rain forests  This is an environmentally sustainable development plan with the goal of "symbiosis" between the peasant economy and the rainforest. The founder, Wu Ziyu, went to Indonesia to help rebuild communities destroyed by the tsunami in 2007. He began to think that the bean of the colonizer might become an independent carrier.  He began to promote Indonesian Mandheling Rainforest Coffee. Cultivated in the Gayo mountainous area of ​​Sumatra, Indonesia, by the beautiful Lake Tawar. The coffee produced here is collectively called "Arabica Mandheling Coffee".  From collection, washing, drying beans, picking beans, putting in bags, and shipping to Taiwan, the entire process is handled by Zi Yu and the local team. - Natural shade grown method, to avoid excessive sunlight in the plant, to achieve the best quality of coffee beans and removing trees in the rainforest,.
 - Profit returns to local rainforest research.
 What is Shade Grown Coffee? - An age-old traditional growing method, considered to be the best for growing Arabica coffee trees. - Without the need to remove the forests, coffee trees would thrive under the tropical rainforest trees. There would be no destruction to the ecosystem and the home to migration birds. Coffee flowers and cherries in the shade attract omnivores; thus, the shade in itself becomes a natural shelter and food source for animals, creating another ecosystem. This is one of the most environmentally friendly ways of farming. What is Fair Trade? Fair Trade is a social movement that aims to raise consumers’ awareness on fairly remunerating producers in order for them to directly benefit economically from their labour, a means to eliminate exploitation and sustainably improve their livelihoods. Why do we need fair trade coffee? Coffee is the second biggest traded commodity to crude oil. However, price of coffee is determined in the futures market. Small farmers do not have the bargaining power. Coffee farmers and workers are constantly exploited.

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