特選會員可享全單低至 95 折優惠!

喜居之友 95折 不設最低消費 Basic 95折 減免優惠每當消費滿 HKD 1,000.00

請注意,此優惠不能與折扣商品同時使用。會員必須登入,實際折扣金額於結帳時自動扣除,有效期至 2047-05-31。

購物滿 HKD 600.00即享免運費優惠!(適用於 本地送貨 )


顧客凡購物滿HKD 600.00即享運費減免優惠(適用於 本地送貨 )。金額會於結帳時自動扣除,有效期至 31/12/2047。

饗有機公平貿易茉莉香米1公斤(散裝) Connoisseur Organic Fair Trade Jasmine Rice 1kg(unpackaged)

HKD 34.50HKD 29.33



一包米已經可以改變一個人的生命。每一顆米盛載着關懷與希望,這碗飯不但讓我們及土地更健康,也讓我們更温暖。 柬埔寨土壤肥沃,農產豐盛。當地有機農民順應山形水勢,一年種植一茬水稻。香米在雨季成長,秋天收割,米粒晶螢,飯味濃郁,誠為茉莉香米的極品。 有機農業及公平貿易製度,讓當地農民可重回自己的土地耕作之餘,不用受到農藥的毒害而影響健康及進一步破壞環境。 柬埔寨茉莉香米連續數年榮獲世界大米貿易組織活動的「世界最好大米奬」。 所有饗米都會給予合作社公平貿易回饋金作建設社區之用。 除公平貿易回饋金以外,產自柬埔寨的【饗】系列產品,部分收入會捐予位於柬埔寨貢布的chumkriel語言學校 向最基層既鹽田工人孩子同埋家庭提供教育同生活協助。 **散裝用紙袋或重用食物袋包裝,列出之單位為最少購買量,如買2個單位以上,只會用一個包裝袋,如需另外包裝須特別標示。 產地﹕柬埔寨 Organic Jasmine Rice One of the finest fragrant rice. Aromatic scent, and perfection in taste and tenderness Fair trade is introduced to help farmers to improve their community & lives. Cambodian Jasmine rice were adjudged world’s best in taste at the Competitive Rice Tasting event at the Rice Traders World Rice Conference for several consecutive years. One bag of rice can change one person’s life. Each grain of rice contains care and hope. This bowl of rice improves the health of both ourselves and our land; it also gives us warmth. We thank each person who is eating this rice. Connoisseur products are packed by licensed sheltered workshops. A portion of proceed from all Cambodia Connoisseur products will be contributed to help expedite Cambodians get out of poverty. Place of Origin: Cambodia Certificate: ECO CERT, Fair TSA




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  • 順豐速運
  • 香港 本地送貨


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  • PayMe
  • 銀行轉帳


我們提供貨品質素保證 , 如你對於我們的貨品有不滿 , 請聯絡我們作進一步的安排。如你希望退貨或退款 , 必須在收到貨品後的 2 個工作天內與我們聯絡。並請保留訂單編號或收據及貨品的完整性 , 我們不接受任何損壞或已拆開包裝的貨品 (出產時的損壞除外)。 return and refund if you want to return, replace or refund any item, you should contact us in 2 working days upon receipt of the good. you should keep the order id or receipt and keep the item in original package and in good condition. we do not accept return and refund if the item is damaged (except due to manufacturing faults) or the packing is opened.
