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饗有機公平貿易貢布白胡椒粒 (30克散裝) Connoisseur Organic Fair Trade Kampot White pepper (30g unpackaged)

HKD 33.00



文化承傳之味,胡椒之王! 經歷幾個世紀,貢布胡椒仍然是世界上最優質的胡椒之一。 它獨特之處來自於香料本身的順和、新鮮以及香氣的複雜性,齒頰留香的特殊味道,更令人難忘。 貢布白胡椒粒甚為罕有,要收成完全成熟的白胡椒是極其困難的,產量因此極少。每年只有數百公斤。 🍽️ 第一個獲得歐盟既受保護地理標誌嘅產品 🍽️ 農業種植以至加工都由當地農民直接處理 🍽️ 農民可以直接受惠於經濟利益 🍽️ 胡椒購自World Fair Trade Organization (WFTO)成員,讓工人免受剝削及改善貧窮問題。 產地:柬埔寨 重量﹕以30克起計 **散裝用紙袋或重用食物袋包裝,列出之單位為最少購買量,如買2個單位以上,只會用一個包裝袋,如需另外包裝須特別標示。 You may know black pepper is the king of spices. More importantly, French chef once fondly called Cambodian Kampot pepper “The King of Peppers”, for its “olfactory richness” and “incredible depth of flavour, aroma”. The European Commission Official Journal says, “The characteristic of “Kampot Pepper” lies in its strong (but not ‘burning’) pungency, not aggressive but developing progressively in mouth. Besides the spicy character, its aromatic intensity gives to Kampot Pepper its particular quality.” 🍽️The first Cambodian product to be awarded EU IGP (Indication Géographique Protégée) 🍽️The whole process of production from farming to handling are directly operated by local farmers 🍽️Local farmers directly benefit financially from the operations of the farms 🍽️ Peppers are purchased from World Fair Trade Organization (WFTO) members, to eliminate exploitation of workers and alleviate poverty Origin: Cambodia Weight: 30g up (unpackaged)




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