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<過期產品> [阿喜皂房]亮澤面膜粉 45g Soaper Delights MINERAL CLAY FACE MASK



亮澤面膜粉 45g – 深層清潔 & 收斂毛孔 礦物泥作深層清潔皮膚,當中的礦物質能吸去多餘皮脂及污垢,收斂毛孔;花草粉末收鎮靜皮膚之效,感覺清爽潔淨,同時保持肌膚水份,不會影響肌膚的天然保護層。 – 產品特點 – *不含香精香料 *不含石油原料 *不含防腐劑 *不含色素 *化妝品級材料 *純素 – 成分 – 高嶺土,膨潤土,#公平貿易 摩洛哥天然礦物粉,金盞花粉,薰衣草粉,洋甘菊,燕麥粉,植物精油(有機薄荷,公平貿易純正薰衣草)。 # 摩洛哥天然礦物粉由摩洛哥婦女合作社採購及處理,讓當地農村婦女得到合理及可持續的收入,提升她們的社會及經濟地位。 – 用法 – 每週使用一至兩次。用塑料兜承載少量面膜粉,逐少添加水份,攪拌調和至糊狀,均勻塗抹于清潔的臉上,等待3-5分鐘,清水沖洗乾淨即可;其間可以額外用手指輕輕打圈按摩,去掉多餘角質。 – 特別注意 – 本產品 孕婦, 幼兒, 哺乳期 蠶豆症人士 避免使用。 香港製造 Deep Cleaning & Refining Clay Mask 45g This mask comes in a powder form with no preservatives. The clays in this mask come alive once mixed with a liquid. It is kept in powder form to stay fresh. So you can simply add water or your favorite liquid to form paste and apply to face. – HIGHLIGHTS – * No synthetics fragrance * No petroleum * No Preservatives *No colorant *Cosmetic grade ingredients * Vegan – INGREDIENTS – Kaolin clay, Bentonite clay, # Fair Trade Moroccan Ghassoul clay, Calendula powder, Lavender powder, Chamomile powder, Oatmeal powder, Organic Peppermint essential oil and Fair trade Lavender oil (Lavandula Officinalis). “Ghassoul” means “to wash” in Arabic, comes from the natural clay in the Mountains of Morocco, traditionally used as soap or mask. Naturally and deeply clean skin and hair without drawing out moisture. It is produced by indigenous women cooperatives in Morocco. – TO USE – Use once or twice a week. Simply pour small amount into a non-metallic bowl. Add water slowly while mixing to create a paste. Apply thin layer onto skin after cleansing. Avoid eyes. Leave on for 3-5 minutes. Rinse clean and pat dry. – CAUTION – This product is NOT suitable for G6PD Deifficiency, Pregnant, Baby, Breast-feeding mom. Handmade in Hong Kong
