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Aroma Quotient 頭皮護理治療精華油 Intensive Scalp Treatment Oil (30ml)



脫髮並非男士專利,身邊不少女生都有甩頭髮、髮絲稀薄的煩惱,除了漂、染等外來問題影響,原來頭皮不健康、不夠乾淨也會增加脫髮機會。 結合阿育吠陀及非洲土著文族獨有的傳統配方,可平衡頭皮健康,有助頭髮豐盈亮澤。此配方主要可刺激血頭部的血液循環,令頭部的毛孔得到滋養,使頭髮生長得更豐盈亦可預防白髮及修護開叉受損的秀髮。 用法: 取適量油於掌中,再用手指沾一些油按摩頭皮。可留在頭皮上最少兩個小時或一晚,再用洗髮液清洗便可。一星期做三次效果更佳。 成份:Black Castor Oil, Amla Oil, Brinjal Oil, Brahim Oil and essential oils of Rosemary, Ginger, Lavender, Artemesia, Geranium Peppermint, Henna 產地:香港 關於Aroma Quotient: 主理人從事藥物行業多年,深知化學成份對人體毒害,辭工後,鑽研香薰治療,以天然材料、植物精油製作一系列功效顯著,照顧由皮膚至心靈所需的產品! "接受大地所給,呈現最好的自己!” Intensive Scalp Treatment Oil – for hair shedding and premature greying 100% plant based – powerful natural flavonoids & phytosterols Balance and invigorate scalp with potent ayurvedic oils mixes for boosts hair health, improving both its condition and appearance. It has properties that boost melanin production in the hair follicles, restore your natural hair colour, potentially reversing grey hair Daily Care: Just a few drops of this miracle oil, applied to the scalp, can help reduce hair shedding, itching and split ends while promoting growth. Intensive Care: apply onto the scalp to the ends of the hair, covered with shower cap for at least 2 hours or overnight. Wash with sulfate-free shampoo and rinse well. Ingredients: Black Castor Oil, Amla Oil, Brinjal Oil, Brahim Oil and essential oils of Rosemary, Ginger, Lavender, Artemesia, Geranium Peppermint, Henna

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