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SLOK 腐乳士多啤梨白朱古力 SLOK Chocolate -- Fermented Beancurd Strawberry 45g



腐乳的味道和氣味都很濃,如果製作成普通黑朱味道太濃烈了; 但它與白朱克力結合效果就很好,再加入凍乾士多啤梨碎粒,以清新果酸平衡腐乳鹹香,製成這款腐乳士多啤梨白朱古力,帶來味覺新體驗。 成分:可可脂 / 全脂奶粉 / 有機蔗糖 / 冷凍乾燥草莓 / 腐乳 / 辣椒粉 *不添加卵磷脂或香草精。 保存並存放於陰涼乾燥處。 產地:香港 Fermented beancurd has a very strong taste and smell. It is very overwhelming when making into dark chocolate; but it works well in white chocolate. By adding the strawberry pieces, the sweet and sour of strawberry balance out the dominant savoury note in fermented beancurd. Ingredients | Cacao Butter / Whole Milk Powder / Organic Cane Sugar / Freeze Dried Strawberry / Fermented Beancurd / Chilli Powder Nutrition Fact | Per 45g, Energy 274kcal, Protein 3.5g, Total Fat 20.9g, Saturated Fat 1.7g, Trans Fat 0g, Carbohydrates 19.1g, Fibre 0.6g, Sugars 16.5g, Sodium 266.2mg ​*No added lecithin or vanilla. Keep and store in cool dry place. 本地Bean-to-Bar精品朱古力Slok Chocolate: SLOK 係由另一個好用心的香港年輕人創立的品牌,創辦人Sze Lok是一個黑朱古力狂熱愛好者,從Chocolate Lover到Taster,繼而由Hobby Maker轉化成為專業Chocolate Maker,透過反覆實驗、品嚐,選用特定烘焙程度及製作配方,研發能夠呈現不同可可豆獨特風味的產品。他的Single Origin Chocolate Bar及Drinking Chocolate,還有香港少有的Aroma-infused Bar;所有產品都是成份天然,只含可可及有機蔗糖,不含卵磷脂、添加劑或乳化劑,可謂絕對真材實料!而且朱古力味道仲係非一般,有小編從未想像過的組合,還得到2021-22年International Chocolate Awards亞太賽區特別美食獎項。
