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SLOK 菲律賓72%辣椒爆炸糖朱古力 SLOK Chocolate -- 72% Hot Pops (45g)



以自家研發的辣椒可可油作為爆炸糖調味,配以International Cocoa Awards金獎可可豆及有機蔗糖製成的72%朱古力,多重味覺享受衝擊味蕾。適合素食者食用。 成份︰可可豆、爆炸糖、有機蔗糖、可可脂、辣椒 產地:香港 本地Bean-to-Bar精品朱古力Slok Chocolate: SLOK 係由另一個好用心的香港年輕人創立的品牌,創辦人Sze Lok是一個黑朱古力狂熱愛好者,從Chocolate Lover到Taster,繼而由Hobby Maker轉化成為專業Chocolate Maker,透過反覆實驗、品嚐,選用特定烘焙程度及製作配方,研發能夠呈現不同可可豆獨特風味的產品。他的Single Origin Chocolate Bar及Drinking Chocolate,還有香港少有的Aroma-infused Bar;所有產品都是成份天然,只含可可及有機蔗糖,不含卵磷脂、添加劑或乳化劑,可謂絕對真材實料!而且朱古力味道仲係非一般,有小編從未想像過的組合,還得到2021-22年International Chocolate Awards亞太賽區特別美食獎項。 Infuse the cacao butter using hot chilli and season the popping crystals with this chilli infused cacao butter. The spiciness is balanced by the popping crystals but it is still "hot". Pop a piece into your mouth and you are tempted to chew it. Ingredients : Cacao Beans / Organic Cane Sugar / Popping Candy / Chilli Infused Cacao Butter ​*No added lecithin or vanilla. Keep and store in cool dry place.
