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[棉樂悅事工坊] 加長型布衛生巾 Dharti Mata Lovelady Long pad (30cm)
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Long Pads 加長型 30cm 一般流量,需久坐、做瑜珈時使用或量少時夜閒使用。 Medium flow, suitable for doing yoga, long term sitting or during light flow nights. **顏色/圖案隨機出貨,恕無法挑選。Products will be delivered base on random color and pattern. ** 棉樂悦事所生產的Lovelady Pads布衛生棉,接觸面布料來自天然有機棉,外層花色來自於尼泊爾加德滿都傳統布市集所精選的純棉花布,最後經由 村落婦女手工剪裁,用腳踏式縫紉機製作完成。 天然材質: 布衛生棉是100%的天然棉布,接觸布面是植物染有機棉,裹層是法蘭絨布,外層是尼泊爾花布;是一片可以呼吸的布,穿起來舒適、自在。 零化學物質: 布衛生棉製作過程完全不使用化學藥劑,堅持天然材質,使用有機棉、植物染,不傷害身體與環境。 零浪費: 每一片布衛生棉都是尼泊爾婦女,以手作與腳踏縫紉機製作。工坊除了燙整布面會使用電力外,幾乎不用電。而產出的剩餘布料,透過再利用,編織成美麗的布墊,邁向零浪費。 自然分解: 拋棄式衛生棉的吸水性塑膠原料需500年才能自然分解。相較之下,棉花分解的時間只需六個月。 重複使用: 布衡生棉在妥善使用下,能使用超通2年的時間 。減少了許多對地球、環境的負荷。 Lovelady Pads are hand-made by Nepalese women, using non-electric sewing machines. The inner side (the side that makes contact to your body) of a pad is made of organic cotton and the outer side of a pad is made with printed cloths carefully selected at local markets in Kathmandu. Natural Material: Lovelady pads are made from pure cotton. The side touching the skin is organic cotton, the inside layer is flannel, and the outer side is Nepalese floral cloth. Lovelady pads are breathable and very comfortable to wear. Zero Chemical Substances: Using natural materials to produce Lovelady pads, avoiding any chemical substance during the production process. Zero Waste Every Lovelady Pad is made by treadle type sewing machines and hand-made by local Nepalese women. They choose not to use any electrical machine except for ironing. After making the pads, the leftover clothes are recycled and used to knit tablemates and other small usable objects. We are working hard and put our best effort to create a Zero Waste System. Natural Decomposition A plastic disposable pad takes around 500 years to decompose whereas a reusable cotton pad just takes 6 months to break down into the earth. Therefore, A Lovelady Pad is good for the Earth and brings less burden to the environment. Reusable If used appropriately a Lovelady Pad could be reused up to 2 years or even longer. The pads are reusable, washable and the process of the production is good for our Earth. 關於棉樂悅事工坊 使用自然的原料,透過尼泊爾村落婦女的手作,創造對環境、女性及家庭友善的永續商品,讓消費者有機會在消費的同特。支持尼泊爾村落婦女就業及響應永續生活方式。創造環境、女性與家庭,三環節共善的美好未來 。 「棉樂」,代表著用天然栽種的棉花,製作成讓女性可以快樂使用的布衛生棉。 「悦事」,代表著女性月經歷程轉化為身心喜悦的過程。認知到環保正向月經的重要性,唤醒女性自主意識,慢慢的讓更多的好、喜悦的事發生。 About Dharti Mata sustainable workshop: Dharti Mata sustainable workshop is a social enterprise based in Nepal. The workshop studio is located in the beautiful permaculture learning farm, Hasera agriculture research and training center in the mountainous village, outside of Kathman-du, Patalekhet, Kavre, Nepal. Their Lovelady eco-friendly pads are made of natural materials and made by local Nepalese women. They are committed to developing products that are friendly to the environment, women, and their families. For every pad you buy, you are supporting the employment of these rural Nepali women and help to create a more sustainable future. 材料:純棉100 % cotton 產地:尼泊爾
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