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續茶希臘有機高山茶(Sideritis Perfoliata) 20克 More Tea Greek Mountain Tea Sideritis Perfoliata 20g



More Tea與希臘家族三代種植高山茶的農夫合作。每⼀束高山茶都是農夫細心培育、人手採摘、自然風乾,保留最原始的味道,並於可持續性和對環境負責任的基礎下,提供優質的希臘有機高山茶葉,創造出真正的『從農場到茶杯』的茶,並獲得DIO有機認證。 什麼是希臘高山茶? 希臘高山花草茶,生長於希臘小島的高山上,產量並不多。最先被稱為Shepherd’s Tea (牧羊人之茶),由於它有輕微緩解頭痛、消化不良、預防感冒的功效,尤其在冬天飲用,有暖身抗寒之效,是古代牧羊人不可或缺的天然聖品,亦是自古歐洲家庭常備飲品。 希臘高山茶有超過300個品種,而Sideritis Perfoliata是最為濃烈和香甜的希臘高山茶。 保健功效 >富含抗氧化物、有助抵抗輕微感冒不適、抗氧化、抗過敏、舒緩炎症。 >可緩解頭痛、消化不良。 >可以舒緩緊張情緒。 >有暖身抗寒之效。 希臘高山茶性質平和,不含咖啡因、適合日常保健飲用。 如何沖泡希臘高山茶 1)直接沖泡 取出約3-5克的茶葉(連葉和莖),用手把它折成數段。先以清水沖洗一下,然後注入150ml ~ 200ml 100˚C的沸水,沖泡大約5-10分鐘。 2)鍋煮 加1.5杯水在小鍋中,把水煮滖,再放入3-5克高山茶(連葉和莖),調成小火,煮3-5分鐘,再將茶倒入杯中飲用,這樣煮茶味會較香濃。 可作為熱飲或冰茶飲用。 可按個人喜好搭配檸檬和蜂蜜。 產地:希臘 WHAT IS MOUNTAIN TEA Mountain tea, also called ironwart or shepherd’s tea, is known since ancient times for its extraordinary virtues. Mountain tea is traditionally used in Balkan and Mediterranean countries as herbal tea. It is rich in flavonoids. Ironwort has been traditionally used to aid digestion, strengthen the immune system and suppress common cold, the flu and other viruses, allergies and shortness of breath, sinus congestion, even pain and mild anxiety. HEALTH BENEFITS Rich in flavonoids. Researches have shown Sideritis aids digestion, strengthens the immune system, fights colds, flus and relieves stress. Caffine-free. SIDERITIS PERFOLIATA FROM DOMOKOS A species of Sideritis known for its powerful aroma and intense flavour. When brewed strong, it carries Sideritis flavours with added depth on the palate. How to drink the Greek mountain tea? Break off a few whole sprigs(3-5g) and steep in boiling water for 5-8 minutes. Or, to brew as a decoction, place in pot of water on high heat and bring to a boil then strain. About MORE TEA LTD'S GREEK MOUNTAIN TEA Our Greek family farm has been cultivating Sideritis for more than 3 generations. Each steams are hand-picked by our farmers and dried naturally. DIO certified organic.
