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饗公平貿易薑軟糖(夠薑) 100克 Connoisseur Fair trade Ginger Chew (Vegan) 100g



手工製饗公平貿易全素薑糖,細細粒容易食,口感煙煙靭靭,味道微甜中帶辣,又有濃郁的薑味! 薑糖可以減輕因暈車、暈船、孕吐所引發的不適。 成份: 有機公平貿易黑糖, 有機種植薑, 膠凝劑(愛蘭苔膠), 葡萄糖漿, 蔗糖, 抗氧化劑(檸檬酸) 有關製造商 薑糖製造商PFTC為國際公平貿易機構(World Fair Trade Organization)會員。藉由購買公平貿易產品我們可以共同改善發展中的國家生產者的生活及工作條件,並為環保盡一己之力。 介紹Panay Fair Trade Centre,黑糖及薑軟糖:https://vimeo.com/186148644 甚麼是公平貿易? 公平貿易是一種有組織的社會運動,倡議消費者以合理價錢向生產者購買產品,農民直接受惠於產品所得到的經濟利益,從而不被壓榨勞力,以一種永續方法來改善他們的生活。 Hand-made Fair Trade Ginger Chew from The Philippines Sometimes when one is in a resting mood, getting something to munch on is a great idea. Which should one choose? This ginger chew is completely hand-made. It is chewy, with a slight sweetness and spiciness, and a richness in the ginger flavour! The health benefits of ginger Ginger can warm a chilling body and invigorate the guts. It is beneficial to the digestive tract, and drives the appetite; it can straighten a dizziness due to car or boat-sickness, and eliminate the discomfort commonly experienced in a pregnancy. Ingredients: Organic Fair Trade Muscovado Sugar, organically grown Ginger, Gelling Agent (Carrageen), Glucose Syrup, Cane Sugar, Antioxidant(Citric Acid) About the producer PFTC is a member of WFTO (World Fair Trade Organization). By buying Fair Trade products, we strive to improve upon the living and working condition of developing countries, and contribute towards a eco-friendly environment. More about them: https://vimeo.com/186148644 What is Fair Trade? Fair Trade is a social movement that aims to raise consumers’ awareness on fairly remunerating producers fairly in order for them to directly benefit economically from their labour, a means to eliminate exploitation and sustainably improve their livelihoods.



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