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Le Querce意大利有機桉樹蜂蜜 (200克/400克)Le Querce Organic Eucalyptus honey (200g/400g)

HKD 239.00

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美麗的琥珀色,質感較黏稠,帶有獨特的桉樹花香和草本味,柔和細膩,入口醇厚甘美。 產期:7-9月 產地:西西里島 Organic eucalyptus honey is harvested on two blooms: one in summer and one in autumn from Lazio to Southern Italy Harvest period: July - September Consistency: the eucalyptus honey crystallizes in a homogeneous and compact manner. It is an almost creamy product, which gives the palate a gentle and harmonious tactile sense thanks to its very fine crystals. Colour: from shades of amber when liquid to shades of beige, almost hazelnut when crystallized. Finally, a slight yellow tone timidly makes its way between the hues of a compact hint of latte coffee. Taste:when tasted, a pleasant blend of sweet and savory palate. The memory of the brown taste of licorices welcomes the vegetal character of this honey, whose secret is enclosed in a pleasant note of dried mushrooms. Aroma: like breathing in autumn among the paths of a forest, the sense of smell is linked to the taste. The intense aroma that eucalyptus honey releases in the mouth gives a warm welcome that the leading tasting experts define as lactic. The warm vegetable spirit of dried mushrooms welcomes the persistent memory of a freshly picked stick of licorices.




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