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購物滿 HKD 600.00即享免運費優惠!(適用於 本地送貨 )

[喜居生活] 無農藥宮廷普洱茶包x 5個 (散裝) Palace Puer Tea Bag x 5pcs (unpackaged)



不一樣的茶包! 1. 100% 可生物降物料茶袋 使用不含任何塑膠的茶袋,未漂白的玉米纖維製造,不含有害物質,有機、永續、無基因改造、純天然,100% 可生物降解,不含普通白茶袋中使用的漂白劑而產生有害二噁英,不會對環境造成污染,對我們也更健康和安全。 2. 原片茶葉 一般市面的茶包只會使用茶葉碎製造,但這茶包使用了優質原片茶葉,沖出一杯好茶。 3. 採用無農藥茶葉 🌱宮廷普洱 (熟普散茶)🌱 普洱茶經「渥堆發酵」工藝,令茶葉中的茶多酚成份轉化成茶褐素,形成湯色紅褐,茶中帶有陳醇木香之普洱熟茶。普洱熟茶之加工技術,令茶性趨向溫和,滋味甜醇。而且普洱熟茶經歷微生物的轉化過程,衍生出對人體腸道健康所需之益生菌,有助胃壁形成保護膜,具養胃功用。熟茶更具有降脂降壓、預防便秘、利尿及安神等效。普洱熟茶有助暖胃安神,特別適合體質虛弱之人士飲用。 冬天飲用更能促進血氣循環,為養生之極上佳品。 而宮廷普洱熟茶更是篩了芽頭部份的高級普洱,茶葉色澤紅潤 , 茶條索緊細而飽滿, 茶湯紅艷明亮, 陳香濃郁醇厚, 具有香、 甜、 醇、 潤、 厚、 滑等特色,口感順滑醇厚,是極上的普洱。 沖泡小貼士:先放少少熱水於放了茶包的杯內,然後立即倒掉,再注入熱水,浸泡30秒~1分鐘或是你覺得合適的濃度後拎起茶包,就可以享用,隨後可再重複沖泡2-3次。 產地: 雲南勐海地區 茶葉重量﹕每個茶包3克 **散裝用紙袋或重用食物袋包裝,列出之單位為最少購買量,如買2個單位以上,只會用一個包裝袋,如需另外包裝須特別標示。 Palace Pu'er (Ripe Pu'er loose tea) This Pu'er tea undergoes the “Wodui (wet piling) fermentation" process, which converts the tea polyphenols in the tea leaves into theabrownin, resulting in a reddish-brown tea colour and a mature Pu'er tea with a mellow woody aroma. The processing technology of Pu'er ripe tea makes the tea mild in nature and sweet in taste. Moreover, Pu'er ripe tea undergoes a transformation process by microorganisms and derives probiotics needed for human intestinal health. It helps the stomach wall form a protective film and has the function of nourishing the stomach. Ripe tea benefits include lowering lipids and blood pressure as well as preventing constipation. It is a diuretic and calming to the senses. Ripe Pu'er tea helps warm the stomach and to calm, and is excellent for people with weak constitutions. Drinking it in winter can promote blood circulation and is an excellent product for health. The palace ripe Pu'er tea is a premium Pu’er with young buds removed. The leaves are ruddy in colour, tight, thin and full, the drink is red and bright, the aroma is rich and mellow, with characteristics fragrant, sweet, mellow, wholesome, thick, as well as smooth and mellow to drink. It is the ultimate Pu'er. Origin: Menghai area, Yunnan Packaging: We will use paper bag to wrap the product. If order more than one unit, we will use only one bag unless specify.
