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Aroma Quotient 緊緻修護面霜 Anti-aging Face Cream (50ml)



集合多種肌膚必須的植物性油脂,例如:月見草油、玫瑰果油、摩洛哥堅果油、琉璃苣油等等…可滋潤每吋肌膚,加上具療效極高的香薰精油、花水,能深入皮膚深層,激活細胞,徹底改善乾燥及暗啞肌膚。 成份:Base Oil: Evening Primrose, Argan, Rosehip, Borage, Moringa; Essential Oil: Galbanum, Carrot Seed, Immortelle, Frankincense, Rose Otto, Rose Hydrosol, Copolymer 產地:香港 關於Aroma Quotient: 主理人從事藥物行業多年,深知化學成份對人體毒害,辭工後,鑽研香薰治療,以天然材料、植物精油製作一系列功效顯著,照顧由皮膚至心靈所需的產品! "接受大地所給,呈現最好的自己!” The powerful skin lightening Liquorice Root Extract reduce spots by blocking the skin enzyme which responsible for the pigmentation process, it also reduces inflammation and soothes, irritated skin. Supported with well blended therapeutic essential oils, assorted nutrient plant base oils and Rose hydrosol co-create for clarify and brighten your skin daily.
