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山林八角 (100克) Forest Star Anise (100g)



野生成長,芳香濃郁,味辛甘,好香料。 產於廣西巴馬長壽之鄉的原始森林,無農藥化肥等污染,品質優越。 生產方式﹕野生生長,自然晾曬 安全健康 :無進行硫磺熏制,放心調料。 食用方法: 燉、炒、醃、鹵等皆需用到,可去腥增香。 八角屬溫熱性質,可綜合蔬食寒涼的問題,素食者尤其適合多使用。" 燉 | 無論是葷素,燉菜時加入點八角,會使味道更醇香。 炒 | 炒菜時先用八角熗鍋,然後再加入菜炒。 鹵 | 搭配其它香料做滷汁,香。 醃 | 醃製一些食物時,加入八角別具風味哦。 香料油 | 將油燒熱,放入八角炸出香味。適合搭配蔥薑拌菜用。 香料粉 | 搭配其它香料磨成粉,拌餡、做餅等時可以加入,增香味。 要注意,每次八角的使用量不宜太多,1~2個就好,不然八角會搶了主料的風味。 產地﹕中國廣西河池 Growing in the wild. Rich aroma, licorice flavor and sweet flavour spice. Produced in old-growth forests of Bama, Guangxi’s longevity hometown, it is free of pesticides, chemical fertilizers and other pollution and has superior quality. It is also free from sulfur during processing. It is wild-grown and naturally sun-dried. It can be used in stew, stir-fry, seasoning etc. It helps to increase the aroma of dishes no matter it is vegetables, meat or seafood.
